2024-2025 University CATALOG

University Catalog Navigation and Publication Policy

This University Catalog enumerates policies, requirements and other essential details regarding both undergraduate and graduate degree programs at Florida Atlantic University. Published annually by the Office of the Registrar, the catalog serves as an informational publication for the University community and the public. This catalog does not constitute an offer for contracts and should not be used for verifying the equivalency of courses to transfer courses or for recording credit on transcripts.

The navigation tiles in the catalog's opening page direct readers to the three main sections of the catalog. The General Information tile leads to specific University units or services. Academic policies, degree requirements, admissions information, student activities and financial assistance programs are among the resources found under the General Information tile. The Academic Programs tile leads to a listing of Florida Atlantic's colleges and a separate section for programs that are interdisciplinary. All degree program information can be found in these sections. The third tile, Course Descriptions, directs readers to FAU's individual course offerings listed by the colleges in which they are offered. The catalog search option at the top of all catalog pages is also a helpful tool for finding specific information within the catalog.

The University reserves the right to amend, adopt or make effective any provision, offering, requirement or policy at any time without notice within the student’s period of study at FAU to carry out its purposes and objectives. When incorporating changes, the University will make every reasonable effort to honor the curriculum requirements appropriate to each student’s catalog year. However, some courses and programs may be discontinued and requirements may change as a result of curricular review or actions by accrediting associations or other agencies.

This catalog incorporates by reference and is subject to all applicable state and federal laws and rules and the rules and policies of the Florida Board of Education and Florida Atlantic University, which are subject to change at any time.

Academics — Florida Atlantic'S Chief Priority

Welcome to the academic world of Florida Atlantic University. Here you will find a wide choice of majors, a top-notch faculty, small classes and personal attention, all in a beautiful subtropical setting. Florida Atlantic offers its programs at several sites throughout its six-county service region in Southeast Florida, with state-of-the-art student housing available on the Boca Raton and Jupiter campuses. With more than 170 undergraduate and graduate degree programs available, FAU's 30,000 students are receiving the preparation they need to face the future with confidence.

With more than 50 percent of its student body classified as minority or international students, Florida Atlantic ranks as the most racially, ethnically and culturally diverse institution in Florida’s State University System. It is designated a Hispanic-Serving Institution, highly ranked by U.S. News & World Report for "Social Mobility," and a top degree producer for African American and Hispanic students. U.S. News & World Report also ranks FAU as a top public university. The student-to-faculty ratio is 23:1, an advantage normally offered by small, private colleges. Similarly, classes are taught primarily by the University’s full-time faculty rather than by graduate students or part-time instructors.

Florida Atlantic is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, specialist and doctorate degrees. Contact the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of FAU.

Students who have a complaint about their educational experience at Florida Atlantic that is not resolved through internal University procedures may also use the above address to contact the SACS Commission, whose complaint procedures are listed here, or they may submit a complaint form to the Florida Board of Governors at 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 1614, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400. Normal inquiries about the University, such as admission requirements, financial aid, educational programs, etc., should be addressed directly to the institution.

In 1993, Florida Atlantic was elected to membership in the prestigious National Association of State Universities and Land-grant Colleges (now the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities), the country’s oldest higher education association. FAU is also a member of the Council of Graduate Schools.


The University’s full- and part-time faculty includes 1,300 accomplished scholars and researchers, with 90 percent having doctorates or terminal degrees in their fields. The faculty includes 17 Eminent Scholars, widely acclaimed authorities in their fields who bring special excitement to the classroom and new ideas to research programs.


The University Libraries house approximately 3.7 million items, including books, periodicals, government documents, microforms, maps, media and other materials. For more information, visit the Libraries' website.

Office of the Ombuds

The Ombuds works toward solving problems, not as an advocate for individuals or the University but as a supporter for fair outcomes. As an independent agent of the University, reporting to the Division of Administrative Affairs, the Ombuds has access to information from any office within the institution. The Office of the Ombuds is informal and does not generate records or take legal notice, nor does it accept official complaints; however, it can assist you by making appropriate referrals if this is your goal.

Your visit to the Ombuds is confidential except when there is a concern about danger to you or to others. If it is necessary to disclose your identity and your specific issue to gain information essential to the case, you and the Ombuds will discuss this and determine the limits of confidentiality. You should visit the Office of the Ombuds if you need assistance with disputes about fees, academic concerns, housing issues, parking problems, discrimination and/or harassment, red tape and many other matters. The Ombuds may help you to identify and evaluate options to formulate a plan to address your issue, to find the correct person to address your concern or to explain University regulations or policies. The Ombuds will listen to you.

An appointment with the Ombuds can be made by calling 561-297-3693. The Office of the Ombuds is located in the S.E. Wimberly Library, Room 156B. For more information, visit wgt8.rf518.com/ombuds.

Policy of Non-discrimination

Florida Atlantic University is committed to a policy of non-discrimination. It is against the policy of the University to discriminate against, or exclude from participation in benefits or activities, either on the staff or in the student body, any person on the grounds of race, color, religion, age, disability, sex, national origin, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or students, applicants for employment, faculty and staff (hereinafter collectively referred to as “University Community Members”), as well as third parties providing services to FAU. This Regulation 5.010 (“Regulation”) establishes procedures for a University Community Member to file a complaint of alleged discrimination, harassment or retaliation.

Discriminatory conduct in the form of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment is also prohibited, and procedures for processing and investigation claims of sexual misconduct/sexual harassment by a University employee will be processed in accordance with current University policy on prohibited sexual conduct.

Academic Calendar

(Click here to see the latest and future Academic Calendars.)

Academic Programs

For a Program in: To Earn the Following Degrees: Register in the College of:

B.B.A., B.S., B.B.A./M.AC. for Honors students, M.AC., Minor

Actuarial Science Certificate (undergraduate)


Certificate (graduate) Social Work and Criminal Justice

Aerospace Engineering (undergraduate)

Aerospace Engineering (graduate)

Certificates (undergraduate  and graduate) Engineering and Computer Science

Anthropology  B.A., M.A., M.A.T., Minor

Arts and Letters
Applied Mental Health Services

Certificate (undergraduate) Interdisciplinary Programs

Artificial Intelligence

M.S.,  Minors (undergraduate and graduate), Certificates
(undergraduate and graduate)

Engineering and Computer Science
Arabic Minor

Arts and Letters
Architectural Studies Minor Arts and Letters

Architecture B.Arch.

Arts and Letters
Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning

B.Arch./M.U.R.P. Science
Art* B.A., B.F.A., M.F.A., Minors

Arts and Letters
Art/Nonprofit Management B.A./M.N.M. Arts and Letters
Asian Studies Certificate (undergraduate)

Arts and Letters
Big Data Analytics Certificate (graduate) Interdisciplinary Programs

Biomedical Engineering  (link to all programs except):

undergraduate certificate

B.S., M.S., any B.S. in college/M.S., B.A. or B.S./M.S. (with Honors College), Certificates (undergraduate and graduate)

Engineering and Computer Science
Biological and Physical Sciences***

B.A., B.A. or B.S./M.S. (with Engineering and Computer Science), B.A. or B.S./M.S. (with Science), B.S.

Honors College
Biological Sciences** B.A., B.S., B.S./M.S., M.S., M.S.T., Minor

Biological Sciences/Environmental Science

B.S./M.S. Science
Biomedical Science M.S., Certificate (graduate)

Biotechnology Certificate (undergraduate)


Minor (graduate) Engineering and Computer Science

Business Administration M.B.A., Ph.D., Minor,
Certificates  (graduate)

(Certificates not admitting students at this time.)


Business Analytics
Minor and Certificate

M.S., Minor,
Certificate (undergraduate)

Business Biotechnology P.S.M.

Business Law Minor

Caribbean and Latin American Studies

Certificate (undergraduate)

Arts and Letters
Casino and Gaming Industry Management

Certificate (undergraduate) Business
Chemistry** B.A., B.S., B.S./M.S., M.S., M.S.T., Ph.D.

Child Welfare Certificates
(undergraduate and graduate)

Social Work and Criminal Justice
Civil Engineering B.S.C.V., B.S.C.V./M.S., M.S Engineering and Computer Science

Classical Studies Certificate (undergraduate)

Arts and Letters
Club Management

Certificate (undergraduate) Business
Commercial Music B.M., Minor

Arts and Letters
Commercial Music: Music Business/Nonprofit Management

B.M./M.N.M. Arts and Letters
Communication  M.A.

Arts and Letters
Communication Studies B.A., Minor

Arts and Letters
Comparative Literature  Minor

Arts and Letters
Comparative Studies Ph.D.

Arts and Letters
Computer Engineering B.S.C.E., B.S.C.E./M.S., B.S.C.E./Ph.D., B.A.  or B.S./M.S. (with Honors College),  M.S., Ph.D.

Engineering and Computer Science

Computer Engineering/Artificial Intelligence

B.S.C.E./M.S. Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Engineering/Information Technology and Management

B.S.C.E./M.S. Engineering and Computer Science
Computer Science B.A.C.S., B.S.C.S., B.S.C.S./M.S., B.S.C.S./Ph.D., B.A. or B.S./M.S. (with Honors College),  M.S., Ph.D., Minor

Engineering and Computer Science

Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence B.S.C.S./M.S. Engineering and Computer Science

Computer Science/Information Technology and Management

B.A.C.S. or B.S.C.S./M.S. Engineering and Computer Science
Counseling Ph.D.

Counselor Education

M.Ed.,  M.Ed./Ed.S.,  Ed.S.

Corrosion Certificate (graduate) Engineering
and Computer Science

Creative Writing M.F.A.

Arts and Letters
Criminal Justice B.A., Minor

Social Work and Criminal Justice

Criminology and Criminal Justice M.S.

Social Work and Criminal Justice

Crisis and Disaster Management

Certificate (graduate) Business
Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed., Ed.S., Ph.D.


Minor, Certificate (undergraduate) Interdisciplinary Programs

Cyber Security Certificate (graduate) Interdisciplinary Programs


Minor Arts and Letters
Data Science Certificate (undergraduate) Interdisciplinary Programs

Data Science and Analytics

B.S., M.S. Interdisciplinary Programs

Data Science and Analytics

B.S./M.S. Engineering
and Computer Science
Data Science and Analytics/Artificial Intelligence

B.S./M.S. Engineering
and Computer Science
Data Science and Analytics/Information Technology and Management

B.S./M.S. Engineering
and Computer Science
Digital Marketing Minor,  Certificate (undergraduate)

Disaster Management Minor

Arts and Letters
Diversity and Global Studies

Minor, Certificate (undergraduate)

Early Care and Education B.E.C.E.

Early Childhood Environmental Education

Certificate (undergraduate) Education
Economic Development and Tourism Certificate (graduate)

(Certificate not admitting students at this time.)

Economics B.B.A., B.B.A./M.S., B.S., B.S./M.S., M.S., M.S.T., Minors

Educational Leadership M.Ed., Ed.S., Ph.D.

Educational Psychology

M.Ed. Education
Electrical Engineering

B.S.E.E., B.S.E.E./M.S., B.S.E.E./Ph.D., B.A. or B.S./M.S. (with Honors College),M.S., Ph.D.

Engineering and Computer Science

Electrical Engineering/Artificial Intelligence

B.S.E.E./M.S. Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering

B.S.E.E./M.S. Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical Engineering/Information Technology and Management

B.S.E.E./M.S. Engineering and Computer Science
Elementary Education B.A., B.A.E., M.Ed.

Energy Resilience

Certificate (graduate) Engineering and Computer Science
English**   B.A., M.A., Minors

Arts and Letters
English as a Second Language Studies  Certificates
(undergraduate and graduate)

Arts and Letters
Entrepreneurial Management

Minor Business
Entrepreneurship Minor

Environment and Society

Minor Arts and Letters
Environmental Education M.Ed., Certificate (graduate)

Environmental Engineering B.S.E.V. Engineering and Computer Science

Environmental Engineering/Civil Engineering B.S.E.V./M.S. Engineering and Computer Science

Environmental Restoration Certificate (graduate)

Environmental Science M.S.,  Certificate (undergraduate)

Ethics, Law, and Society Certificate (undergraduate)

Arts and Letters
Ethnic Studies Certificate (undergraduate)

Arts and Letters
Exceptional Student Education B.A., B.A.E.

Exercise Science and Health Promotion

B.S., B.S./M.S., M.S.

Experimental Psychology Ph.D.

Film and  Culture
Certificate (graduate)

Arts and Letters
Film and Video Minor 

Arts and Letters
Finance  B.B.A., B.S., M.S., Minor



Arts and Letters
General Business

B.A. Business
General Studies

B.G.S. Degree Programs  (offered in multiple colleges)

Genomics and Predictive Health

Certificate (graduate) Medicine
Geographic Information Science Minor

Geographic Information Systems


(undergraduate and graduate)

Geomatics Engineering B.S.G.E., Minor

Engineering and Computer Science
Geomatics Engineering/Civil Engineering B.S.G.E../M.S. Engineering and Computer Science


B.A., B.S., B.S./M.S., M.S.,  Ph.D.

German  Minor

Arts and Letters
Gerontology Certificate (undergraduate)

Health Administration  B.H.S., M.H.A., B.H.S./M.H.A., Minors,
Certificate (graduate)

Health Science

B.A. Science
Health Science/Exercise Science and Health Promotion

B.A./M.S. Science
Healthcare Information Systems
Minor,  Certificate (undergraduate)

Healthy Aging Certificates
(undergraduate and graduate)

Social Work and Criminal Justice
History B.A., B.A./M.A.,  B.A./M.A. (with Honors College),  M.A., Minor

Arts and Letters /Honors College
Hospitality  and Tourism  Management B.B.A., B.S., Minors,
Certificates (undergraduate and graduate)

Information Technology and Management

B.A. or B.S./M.S. (with Honors College),  M.S.

Business/Engineering and Computer Science/ Honors College

Innovation Entrepreneurship Certificate (graduate)

Instructional Design

Certificate (graduate Education
Instructional Technology

M.Ed. Education
Integrative Biology Ph.D.

Interdisciplinary Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Minor, Certificate (undergraduate) Interdisciplinary Programs
Interdisciplinary Studies

B.A. Arts and Letters
International Business B.B.A., B.S., B.B.A. or B.S./M.S., M.S.,  Minor,
Certificate (undergraduate)

International Economics  Minor 


Investment Management

Minor, Certificate (undergraduate) Business
Italian Minor

Arts and Letters
Japanese Minor

Arts and Letters
Jewish Studies B.A., Minor

Arts and Letters
K-12 Online Teaching

Certificate (graduate)

Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature

B.A., B.A./M.A., M.A. Arts and Letters
Leadership and Human Resource Development

Minor Business
Leadership Studies

Minor Education
Liberal Arts and Sciences***

B.A., B.A./M.A. (with Arts and Letters), B.A. or B.S./M.S. (with Engineering and Computer Science), B.A. or B.S./M.S. (with Science), B.S.

Honors College


Arts and Letters
Literary Translation Certificate (graduate)

Arts and Letters
Management B.B.A., B.S.

Management Information Systems B.B.A., B.S., Minor

Management Information Systems/Business Analytics

Management Information Systems/Information Technology and Management

Management Information Systems/Supply Chain Management  

B.B.A. or B.S./M.S.




Marine Materials and Offshore Engineering

Certificate (undergraduate) Engineering and Computer Science
Marine Science and Oceanography

M.S. Science
Marketing  B.B.A., B.S., Minor

Mathematics**  B.A., B.S., B.S./M.S., M.S., M.S.T., Ph.D., Minor

Mechanical Engineering

B.S.M.E., B.S.M.E./M.S., M.S., Ph.D. Engineering and Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering/Artificial Intelligence

B.S.M.E./M.S. Engineering and Computer Science
Media, Technology and Entertainment


(This major is currently on suspension and not accepting students.)

Arts and Letters

Medical Biology

B.S. Science
Medical Physics P.S.M., Certificate (graduate)

Medicine M.D., M.D./Ph.D.

Meetings and Events Management Certificate (undergraduate)

Military Science

Minor Military Programs
Multicultural Education

Certificate (graduate) Education

Multimedia Studies B.A.

Arts and Letters
Museums, Archives and Public History

Minor Arts and Letters
Music**  B.A., B.M.,  B.M.E.,  M.M.

Arts and Letters
Music/Nonprofit Management

B.A./M.N.M. Arts and Letters
Music: Performance/Nonprofit Management

B.M./M.N.M. Arts and Letters
Naval Achitecture

Certificate (undergraduate) Engineering and Computer Science

Certificate (graduate) Science

Ph.D. Interdisciplinary Programs

Neuroscience Certificate (graduate)

Neuroscience and Behavior B.S.

Neuroscience and Behavior/Psychology


Nonprofit Executive Leadership

Certificate (graduate) Arts and Letters
Nonprofit Management (M.N.M.)
Nonprofit Management (Minor)

M.N.M., Minor

Arts and Letters
Nursing B.S.N., M.S.N., D.N.P., Ph.D., Certificates (graduate)

Nursing/Artificial Intelligence

B.S.N./M.S. Nursing/Engineering and Computer Science

Nursing/Biomedical Engineering

B.S.N./M.S. Nursing/Engineering and Computer Science

Ocean Engineering B.S.O.E., B.S.O.E./M.S., M.S., Ph.D. Engineering and Computer Science

Offshore Engineering Certificate (graduate) Engineering and Computer Science

Operations Management Minor

Peace, Justice and Human Rights

Minor, Certificate (undergraduate)

Arts and Letters
Pharmaceutical Technology

Certificate (undergraduate) Science
Philosophy  B.A., Minor

Arts and Letters
Physics**  B.A., B.S., M.S., M.S.T., Ph.D., Minor

Physics/Medical Physics

B.S./P.S.M. Science
Political Communication

Minor Arts and Letters
Political Science  B.A., M.A., Minor

Arts and Letters
Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health Professions

Certificate (undergraduate)

Post-Baccalaureate Research
Education Program in Chemistry

Certificate (graduate) Science
Professional Accounting Certificate (graduate)

Professional and Technical Writing

Certificate (undergraduate) Arts and Letters
Professional Studies  

B.P.S. Interdisciplinary Programs
B.A., B.A./M.A., M.A., Minor

Public Administration (M.P.A.)
Public Administration (Ph.D.)

M.P.A., Ph.D.

Arts and Letters
Public Ethics and Leadership

Certificate (graduate) Arts and Letters
Public Management (B.P.M.)
Public Management (Minor)

B.P.M., Minor

Arts and Letters
Public Management/Nonprofit Management

B.P.M./M.N.M. Arts and Letters
Public Management/Public Administration

B.P.M./M.P.A. Arts and Letters
Public Policy

Certificate (graduate) Arts and Letters
Public Safety Administration B.P.S.A.

Arts and Letters
Public Safety Administration/Nonprofit Management

B.P.S.A./M.N.M. Arts and Letters
Public Safety Administration/Public Administration

B.P.S.A./M.P.A. Arts and Letters
Reading Education M.Ed.

Real Estate  Minor

Religious Studies Certificate (undergraduate)

Arts and Letters
Remote Sensing Certificate (graduate)

Risk Management Certificates
(undergraduate and graduate)

Robotics Engineering

Certificate (undergraduate) Engineering and Computer Science
Secondary Education plus Certification

M.Ed. Education
Sexuality and Gender Education

Certificate (graduate) Arts and Letters

Social Justice


(undergraduate and graduate)
Social Work and Criminal Justice
Social Work 

B.S.W., M.S.W., D.S.W., Minor

Social Work and Criminal Justice

Sociology  B.A., M.A., Minor

Arts and Letters


Arts and Letters
Special Education M.Ed., Ph.D.

Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology


Sport Studies

Minor Arts and Letters
Statistics  Minor, Certificate (undergraduate)

Supply Chain Management

M.S. Business
Supported Community Access

Certificate (undergraduate)

(Open to Academy for Community Inclusion students only.)

Supported Community Living

Certificate (undergraduate)

(Open to Academy for Community Inclusion students only.)

Supported Employment

Certificate (undergraduate)

(Open to Academy for Community Inclusion students only.)

Surveying and Mapping

Certificate (undergraduate) Engineering and Computer Science

Sustainable Community Planning Certificate (graduate)

(Certificate not admitting students at this time.)

Taxation M.TX.

Teacher Leadership Certificate (graduate) Education

Theatre B.A., B.F.A., M.F.A., Minor

Arts and Letters
Transportation and Environmental Engineering
Ph.D. Engineering and Computer Science
Transportation Engineering
Certificate (graduate) Engineering and Computer Science
Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Certificate (graduate) Interdisciplinary Programs
Undergraduate Research

Certificate (undergraduate)

Interdisciplinary Programs
Underwater Acoustics

Certificate (undergraduate) Engineering and Computer Science
Urban and Regional Planning B.U.R.P., B.U.R.P./M.U.R.P., M.U.R.P.
Urban Design B.U.D.,  B.U.D./M.U.R.P.

Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies M.A., Minor
Certificate (graduate)

Arts and Letters

* Programs leading to teacher certification at the secondary school level are available in Art.

** Bachelor's degrees in teacher education programs at the secondary school level are available in these specific subjects. Students must enroll in the degree program in the subject they wish to teach.

*** Click here for a list of Honors College major concentrations and here for a list of Honors College minors.

KEY to Degree Designations

B.A.  Bachelor of Arts  
B.A.C.S. Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science
B.A.E.  Bachelor of Arts in Education
B.Arch.  Bachelor of Architecture
B.B.A.  Bachelor of Business Administration
B.E.C.E. Bachelor of Early Care and Education
B.F.A.  Bachelor of Fine Arts
B.G.S. Bachelor of General Studies
B.H.S.  Bachelor of Health Services Administration
B.M.  Bachelor of Music  
B.M.E. Bachelor of Music Education
B.P.M.  Bachelor of Public Management
B.P.S. Bachelor of Professional Studies
B.P.S.A. Bachelor of Public Safety Administration
B.S.  Bachelor of Science  
B.S.C.E. Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
B.S.C.S. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
B.S.C.V.  Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
B.S.E.  Bachelor of Science in Education
B.S.E.E.  Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
B.S.E.V. Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering
B.S.G.E. Bachelor of Science in Geomatics Engineering
B.S.M.E. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
B.S.N.  Bachelor of Science in Nursing
B.S.O.E. Bachelor of Science in Ocean Engineering
B.S.W.  Bachelor of Social Work
B.U.D. Bachelor of Urban Design
B.U.R.P. Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning
D.N.P. Doctor of Nursing Practice
D.S.W. Doctor of Social Work
Ed.S.  Education Specialist  
M.A.  Master of Arts  
M.A.T. Master of Arts in Teaching
M.AC.  Master of Accounting
M.B.A.  Master of Business Administration
M.D. Doctor of Medicine  
M.Ed.  Master of Education  
M.F.A.  Master of Fine Arts  
M.H.A.  Master of Health Services Administration
M.M. Master of Music  
M.N.M.  Master of Nonprofit Management
M.P.A.  Master of Public Administration
M.S.  Master of Science  
M.S.N. Master of Science in Nursing
M.S.T.  Master of Science in Teaching
M.S.W.  Master of Social Work
M.TX.  Master of Taxation  
M.U.R.P. Master of Urban and Regional Planning
Ph.D.  Doctor of Philosophy
P.S.M. Professional Science Master

University Profile

Florida Atlantic University is in subtropical South Florida with campuses in Palm Beach, Broward and St. Lucie counties. The six-county (Broward, Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, Palm Beach and St. Lucie) region, with a population of more than five million, offers all the cultural advantages of a major metropolitan setting and natural treasures ranging from beaches to the Everglades.

Life as a Florida Atlantic University Owl has never been better! From clubs that serve every academic and leisure-time interest to 19 intercollegiate sports teams, including a football team playing in a 30,000-seat on-campus stadium, there's something for everyone at FAU. Enrichment programs, including honors education, internships and hands-on research in beautiful campus environments, coupled with FAU's outstanding faculty of accomplished scholars and researchers, provide bountiful opportunities for FAU students.

The University’s 10 colleges function across six sites, with most colleges offering programs at several locations. The University’s original campus is in Boca Raton, a suburban residential community midway between Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach. FAU Boca Raton is the administrative home of the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, the College of Business, the College of Education, the College of Engineering and Computer Science, the Graduate College, the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science and the College of Social Work and Criminal Justice. It is a residential campus with programs at lower-division, bachelor’s, master’s, specialist’s and doctoral levels in many fields.

The Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters and the College of Business offer programs at FAU's downtown Fort Lauderdale campus, as well. Arts and Letters and Business also offer programs at FAU Davie, along with the College of Education, the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science and the College of Social Work and Criminal Justice. The Florida Center for Environmental Studies is headquartered on the Davie campus. In Fort Lauderdale and Davie, FAU is co-located with Broward College. Also in Broward County, FAU Dania Beach provides outstanding research facilities, hosting SeaTech, FAU's Institute for Ocean and Systems Engineering.

FAU’s John D. MacArthur Campus in Jupiter offers upper-division and graduate courses from the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, the College of Education, the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science and the College of Social Work and Criminal Justice. The campus is home to the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College, a four-year residential liberal arts and science college for high-achieving undergraduates. The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Florida Atlantic University provides non-credit liberal arts courses for adults of all ages. FAU's partnership with the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, a unit of the renowned Max Planck Society in Germany, gives graduate, undergraduate, and high school students the unique opportunity to learn from, and work alongside, some of the finest minds in the world, including Nobel Laureates.

Located on the Indian River Lagoon in northern St. Lucie County, FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute is dedicated to exploration, innovation, conservation and education related to the oceans. As a base of operations for a host of research and academic programs — such as coral reef and estuary studies, marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation, semester by-the-sea programs and a variety of research positions and internships — FAU Harbor Branch provides undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty with a high-tech and dynamic environment that is perfect for their varied pursuits.


Research plays a vital role in fulfilling the mission of Florida Atlantic University. The Division of Research provides oversight, expertise and guidance for all research activities throughout the University. FAU is taking its place among the world’s great research centers and has been designated a “High Research Activity” institution by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

To enhance interdisciplinary and collaborative research, FAU has established four university-wide research institutes focused on the University’s strengths. These are dedicated to improving and addressing diseases of the brain, enhancing human health and quality of life, protecting the environment locally and globally, and using sensors to monitor the world around us. More information can be found here.


The Florida Board of Governors and FAU’s Board of Trustees provide guidance and governance to the University.


Tuition fees are charged for each credit scheduled based on the course level and the residency status of the student. Tuition fees per credit appear in the link below. Tuition fees are subject to change by the Florida Board of Governors at any time. The most current tuition fees can be found here. To view our full cost of attendance information page, visit http://wgt8.rf518.com/finaid/other/cost-of-attendance/

Facts and Figures


Total Enrollment (Fall 2023)
Undergraduate Enrollment (Fall 2023)
Graduate Enrollment (Fall 2023)
Degree-Seeking (95 percent)
Non-Degree (5 percent)
Florida Residents (81 percent)

Student Statistics

Headcount, Fall 2023
Degrees Awarded, 2022-2023*
Dorothy F. Schmidt
College of Arts and Letters
College of Business
College of Education
College of Engineering
and Computer Science
Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Charles E. Schmidt
College of Medicine
Christine E. Lynn
College of Nursing
Charles E. Schmidt
College of Science
College of Social Work and
Criminal Justice
Undergraduate Studies

* Degrees awarded include only bachelor's, master's, specialist's and doctoral.


Average daily high and low temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit):

Month High Low
January 76 60
February 77 61
March 79 63
April 83 68
May 85 70
June 89 74
July 91 76
August 92 78
September 89 76
October 85 72
November 81 67
December 78 63


Distance (in miles) from Boca Raton to major Florida cities and attractions:

Cape Canaveral 150
Daytona Beach 220
Fort Lauderdale 17
Fort Myers 140
Gainesville 250
Jacksonville 300
Key West 160
Miami 45
Orlando/Disney World 190
Palm Beach 25
Pensacola 610
St. Augustine 265
Tallahassee 425
Tampa 220

Distance (in miles) from FAU Boca Raton to nearby airports:

Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International 25
Miami International 50
Palm Beach International 25

Distance (in miles) from Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport:

FAU Dania Beach (SeaTech) 5
FAU Davie 9
FAU Fort Lauderdale 5

Distance (in miles) from Palm Beach International Airport:

FAU Harbor Branch 75
FAU Jupiter 17


An interactive map of the Boca Raton campus can be found here. Maps to other campuses — Dania Beach, Davie, Fort Lauderdale, Harbor Branch, and Jupiter — are here.

National and State Testing Information

Information bulletins for the following state and national tests are available in the Office of Testing and Evaluation in SU 210 on the Boca Raton campus. Bulletins also may be obtained at FAU partner campuses.

Specific test dates, deadlines, fee information and direct links to specific testing programs may be found by accessing the Office of Testing and Evaluation website or by calling 561-297-3160.

Testing and Evaluation also offers test preparation courses in GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT and SAT. For more information, call 561-297-1260 or visit the Test Prep website.

ACT Assessment
Paper-and-pencil format
Phone: 319-337-1270

Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE)
Most tests are offered in paper-and-pencil format. Obtain a registration bulletin to complete form. Some tests are computer-based.
Register online at www.fl.nesinc.com
General information available through the Florida Department of Education website.
Phone: 866-613-3281

Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)
GMAT is computer-based testing only, by appointment.
Phone: 1-800-717-GMAT

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
The GRE General Test is computer-based only; phone for an appointment. The GRE Subject Test is paper and pencil, offered several times a year. Registration is available online.
Phone: 1-866-473-4373

Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
Registration is available online.
Phone: 215-968-1001

Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
Phone: 202-828-0690

Scholastic Assessment Tests
(SAT-I and SAT-II)
Phone: 866-756-7346

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Computer-based testing. Paper-and-pencil format available in some locations. Phone registration is available. www.ets.org/toefl

Phone: 877-863-3546